Buy the e-book now, get the print version later for the special price of just $12 plus $5 shipping within the US.

Be Bowled is a high-resolution food photography book. As such, the print version requires offset printing, as opposed to POD (print-on-demand) printing.

Since offset printing entails steep upfront costs, we are now releasing the e-book to generate funds for the printing.

As a special thank you to supporters of this project, we present this offer: purchasing the Be Bowled e-book from and later, when we go to print, we’ll offer you a copy for just $12 plus $5 shipping to anywhere in the US.

We are anticipating the list price for the print version to be $29, so this is a great deal! Please note that we won’t be able to extend this offer to those who purchase the Be Bowled e-book via Amazon or Kobo.

The flat $5 shipping rate applies to US addresses only. We will ship globally, but actual shipping costs will apply.

Note: yes, the COMBO version (Be Bowled + Nutritional Grail) does indeed make one eligible for the $12 offer.

There is no hard deadline for the print version of Be Bowled as it depends on the sales of the e-book.

Thank you very much for helping to turn this beautiful e-book into a gorgeous, high-quality print book.