How did 2.3 billion people become overweight? How did heart disease, cancer, and other degenerative diseases become the leading causes of death worldwide? Our ancestors, especially our distant, Paleolithic ancestors, before the advent of agriculture, enjoyed remarkably robust health. What went wrong?
During the twentieth century--the Dark Ages of nutrition--flawed nutritional theories gained widespread acceptance, prompting radical departures from traditional foods and time-honored food processing techniques. Sugar consumption skyrocketed; proinflammatory vegetable oils replaced nourishing animal fats; processed foods became commonplace.
In this groundbreaking book, Christopher Clark explores the social and economic forces enabling these changes while thoroughly and lucidly explaining modern scientific perspectives on fat metabolism, cholesterol, fructose metabolism, gluten, detoxification, and many other important nutritional subjects.
Nutritional Grail offers life-transforming knowledge regarding what to eat, why to eat it, and how to prepare it--including 100 simple, delicious recipes. Like the original twelfth-century grail story, this knowledge comes through asking questions, serving others, and serving one's higher Self.
While laying out a comprehensive strategy for effortless weight loss, improved digestion, and increased energy, Clark convincingly suggests a nutritional renaissance, propelled by science and guided by the wisdom of our ancestors, is finally dawning.
"Nutritional Grail is among the best ancestral health books to hit shelves in years, and in my mind it's set a new standard that future authors will have to work to meet." - Eric Garza, PhD, Co-Leader of the Weston A. Price Foundation's Burlington, VT Chapter
"Nutritional Grail is a masterpiece. It covers an immense amount of topics related to nutrition and health. This book is the most comprehensive review of the literature relating to nutrition that I have ever read. If you want to live a longer, healthier life, I highly suggest you read Nutritional Grail. It will change your life!" - James J. DiNicolantonio, PharmD, Cardiovascular Research Scientist, Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute
"A very good introduction to nutritional science and related history, one that should be required reading for every high school and college graduate." - Ellen K. Rudolph, Doctor of Education
"As a doctor who has invested over $60,000 in diploma level nutrition, anti-aging and health certifications, I can tell you that this book will give you much of what you need to live a long and healthy life." - Isaac Jones, DC, MNS, founder of Designer Health Centers
"A well researched, thought provoking, easy read. The nutritional literature can be a hard place to find your way around, but Clark's 'Grail' is a good place to start." - Jeffrey M. Zaks, MD, Board Certified Cardiologist